Friday, February 12, 2016

The art of joyful patience.


So far this year is not at all what I expected it to be. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing... actually it's not a bad thing at all. 

This year, so far, has been a journey of extreme patience. I've learned that it's one thing to wait because what you want in life just hasn't happened yet and it's a completely different thing to wait because you choose to be obedient and to do it with joy. 

My life has gone from being a journey of waiting and counting down moments to a road of joyful expectation enjoying where I am now and preparing myself for what's to come. I've said before that happiness isn't a destination it's something that you carry with you and I think a lot of things could be explained that way. 

Love isn't a destination, peace isn't a destination, hope isn't a destination it's all things that you carry with you. If we think that once we get that promotion, that new car, that significant other, that dream job that our lives will fall into place then we're deceiving ourselves. 

I went from expecting things to just miraculously workout without much effort to seeing that my heart needed to change and I needed to adjust my perspective. The waiting period isn't a place of complacency it's a place of preparation it's a place of intentional progress, it's the most important place I've been in my life so far. 

Psalms 27:14 says "Wait on the Lord, be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart; wait, I say, on the Lord." That scripture has been hanging at my desk for 7 months now but it wasn't until recently that I read it and really took in each word and let them resonate in my heart. I'm not waiting fearfully and begrudgingly for my life to start, rather I'm living life to the fullest filled with courage and strength being obedient to the father and giving him permission to order my steps. 

I know that in six months my life will be completely different. I'm excited to look back at my journal and blog and see how my thoughts and daily routine has changed. For now I'm focused on intentional patience, preparing myself for the life I want and making choices that will improve and advance my future.Most importantly, I'm saying "YES" to The Lords will in my life. I am making a vow to the Lord that I will acknowledge him with each move and decision that comes my way and allow his will and his path to be the one I take. 

2016, my year of glorious fulfillment!